Bryan Snyder 's Recent Stories

Off the Map Week 5: My chief concern

The rock dared me to trust it. “I’ll be a good handhold,” it seemed to whisper. “I promise!” Though it ..

Off the Map Week 3: Flower Power

The grungy man, who looked like he hadn’t showered in weeks, drifted sleepily over to our car window and peered ..

Off the Map Week 2: Icebound

Halfway across the creek, the nerve endings in my feet began to feel like they were on fire. Direct snowmelt ..

Off the Map Week 1: Natural Deceptions

After I had clawed my way back up the thirty-foot cliff, I sat down on the trail with a thud, ..

Off the Map, Week 13: The Last Moonlight

I was just beginning to nod off in my tent when an intense light burned through my eyelids, searing a ..

Off the Map, Week12: Dust, smoke and steam

With the coming of sunrise over Long Valley, one might expect to be greeted with fresh, crisp breezes and gentle ..

Off The Map week 11: The Burning Ambassador

One minute I’m being harassed by overvigilant teachers for eating cereal outside the public library, and the next minute I’m ..

Off the Map, Week 10: Storm over the playa

“It’s a tornado!” shouted Justice from the top of the scissor lift, excitement and disbelief coloring his voice. I followed ..

Off the Map Week 9: Clearing the Decks

There seemed to be no end to the refuse and relics of bygone years as I continued to haul load ..

Off the Map: Week 8, Highlander

The Pintlers… these were dark, humorless mountains with the temperament of a Scottish highlander, prideful and dour.  Forests clung tenaciously ..

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More From Bryan Snyder

Off The Map Week 5: My Chief Concern
Off the Map Week 5: My chief concern

Off The Map, Week12: Dust, Smoke And Steam
Off the Map, Week12: Dust, smoke and steam

Off The Map Week 8: Worth A Toenail
Off the Map Week 8: Worth a toenail

Off The Map Week Three: The Kindness Of Strangers
Off the Map Week Three: The kindness of strangers

Off The Map Week 10: Dust To Dust
Off the Map Week 10: Dust to dust

Off The Map: Week Three, The Return To Dunraven
Off the Map: Week Three, The Return to Dunraven

Off The Map: Week Five - Bedeviled
Off the Map: Week Five - Bedeviled

Off The Map, Week Nine: Night Rider
Off The Map, Week nine: Night Rider

Off The Map: A Piece Of Cake
Off the Map: A Piece of Cake

Off The Map, Week 10: Storm Over The Playa
Off the Map, Week 10: Storm over the playa