Bryan Snyder 's Recent Stories

Off the Map: Week Seven, Heavy Weather

Right in the middle of the trail. Great place to put a mountain goat. If it wasn’t all cute and ..

Off the Map: Week Six - Heir to the Copper Throne

On a hill above the Montana town of Anaconda, the great and mighty Stack watches placidly over the remains of ..

Off the Map: Week Five - Bedeviled

This couldn’t be right. I should have reached the junction by now, surely. Instead, I was continuing to sweat my ..

Off the Map: Week Four, Stranded

I was going to get lost. At least, that was the plan. On a map of my hometown county in ..

Off the Map: Week Three, The Return to Dunraven

If only I hadn’t misread the map the first time, back in 2007, then I wouldn’t need to violate the ..

Off the Map, Week Two: Pins and Needles

All right… time to make a decision. I leaned over the edge of Crestone Needle one more time, attempting to ..

Off the Map: Week One - Grand Canyon by moonlight

Sunset. Time to head into the canyon. At the Grandview Overlook, shrill, overprotective Texan parents were grabbing at ..

Week Twelve: Big Game

The ants were on the move. I pulled my head back below the open roof and called to the driver, ..

Week Eleven: Two Africas

The first thing that impressed me about the Kenyan chicken farmers was that even though I wasn’t interested in buying ..

Off the Map Week 10: Dust to dust

Wearing horns, fur and a tail in the middle of the Nevada desert may sound embarrassing. But wearing horns and ..

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Off The Map Week 11: The Burning Ambassador
Off The Map week 11: The Burning Ambassador

Week Six: Deadfall
Week Six: Deadfall

Week Four: Smoke Jumping
Week Four: Smoke Jumping

Off The Map Week 10: Dust To Dust
Off the Map Week 10: Dust to dust

Week Eleven: Two Africas
Week Eleven: Two Africas

Off The Map Week 3: Flower Power
Off the Map Week 3: Flower Power

Week 12: Engine Failures
Week 12: Engine Failures

Off The Map Week Twelve: Parched For Glory
Off The Map Week Twelve: Parched for Glory

Off The Map Week Nine: Tangled Up In Twilight
Off the Map week Nine: Tangled up in Twilight

Off The Map Week 5: My Chief Concern
Off the Map Week 5: My chief concern