Sen. James Seward 's Recent Stories

Common Core changes needed

Whether you have a child or grandchild attending a New York State public school, are a teacher, or are simply ..

A time to give thanks

While I typically devote my weekly column to the work of state government and the efforts of the New York ..

The do’s and don’ts of charitable giving

America is a very compassionate nation – donating nearly $300 billion to charities last year. When someone is in ..

Put high energy bills on ice

Even though winter is still a few weeks away, the first chilly signs are being felt. Here in upstate ..

Senate task force targets Lyme Disease

A new senate panel has been formed to examine both state and federal efforts to combat the continued spread of ..

Protecting care for our most vulnerable

Earlier this year, I stood with my senate colleagues to block $120 million in cuts to programs that serve developmentally ..

Ensuring care for our most vulnerable

There are many government agencies and departments in the State of New York that play a role in our daily ..

Mold awareness

September is Mold Awareness Month, a designation which takes on added significance as so many people clean up after recent ..

Go back to school safely

Summer will soon turn to fall and along with the change of season will come a change in lifestyle for ..

Keep receiving STAR tax benefits

If you are a homeowner, you may have received a letter in the mail, or will be shortly, from the ..

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