Sen. James Seward 's Recent Stories

Credit card 101

Every fall, New York’s colleges and universities welcome thousands of incoming freshmen to their campuses. It’s a safe bet ..

Remembering an American hero

I was extremely honored to take part recently in a very patriotic and moving funeral service as a World War ..

Facts about asthma

As the summer months begin to fade away and the back to school season approaches, many children will be ramping ..

Explore your local county fair

Summer is in full swing and one of the best ways to spend a day or night in upstate New ..

Improved disaster response playbook needed

A number of communities throughout my district are continuing to clean-up following devastating flooding that occurred in late June and ..

Stay afloat on New York’s waterways

With summer here and long warm days ahead many people will be headed out on our numerous bodies of water ..

Farming on Albany agenda

New York is always changing, but one thing remains constant – our agricultural past continues to play a significant role ..

Legislative session delivers on multiple fronts

With the 2013 legislative session now complete, I am pleased to say that the priorities of those who live and ..

Benefits are for necessities

Legislation recently adopted by the New York State Senate entitled the “Public Assistance Integrity Act” would serve as a real ..

Senate advances public safety measures

Measures aimed at improving public safety, protecting vulnerable individuals, and punishing convicted criminals have received senate approval in recent days. Among ..

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More From Sen. James Seward

Be Concerned About Meth
Be concerned about meth

Protecting Children In Government Care
Protecting children in government care

Property Tax Still Heart Of The Issue
Property tax still heart of the issue

Give Cop Killers What They Deserve
Give cop killers what they deserve

New Year Starts With New Laws
New year starts with new laws

Getting A Handle On State Debt
Getting a handle on state debt

Calling All Purple Heart Recipients
Calling all Purple Heart recipients

Targeting Medicaid Fraud
Targeting Medicaid fraud

A Very Destructive Drug
A very destructive drug

New School Sport Is On Target
New school sport is on target