Sen. James Seward 's Recent Stories

Veterans Hall of Fame highlights the best of the best

As the New York State Senate takes up a number of vital issues over the closing weeks of the 2013 ..

Senate continues prescription drug abuse crackdown

Abuse of controlled prescription drugs has reached epidemic proportions. Lives are being lost to overdoses and serious crimes are ..

Tougher sex offender laws

April is National Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month. Each year, public campaigns presented by various organizations attempt to ..

Seward: Back to school safety and tax savings

Summer will soon turn to fall and along with the change of season will come a change in lifestyle for ..

Giving back to our veterans

Veterans’ issues are often contemplated in Albany as we work to protect the rights and benefits of our brave service ..

Keys to success

After a winning 2011, New York is once again a force to be reckoned with. However, there is a great ..

Albany supports agriculture

The more things change, the more they stay the same. Case in point – despite new technology and the ever ..

A texting law with some teeth

While I don’t ordinarily quote song lyrics in this space, I will say that The Doors may have said it ..

May is Lyme Disease Awareness Month

May is Lyme Disease Awareness Month and with the high number of reported cases in New York, it is important ..

Census – Count me in

In case you haven’t heard, we are in the midst of counting everyone who lives in the United States, and ..

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More From Sen. James Seward

A Very Destructive Drug
A very destructive drug

Getting A Handle On State Debt
Getting a handle on state debt

Snowmobilers Bring A Flurry Of Business To Upstate NY
Snowmobilers bring a flurry of business to Upstate NY

How Secure Is Our Homeland?
How secure is our homeland?

Property Tax Still Heart Of The Issue
Property tax still heart of the issue

One For The Road Gets A Trooper For A Chaser
One for the road gets a trooper for a chaser

Be Concerned About Meth
Be concerned about meth

Calling All Purple Heart Recipients
Calling all Purple Heart recipients

Give Cop Killers What They Deserve
Give cop killers what they deserve

New Laws To Save Taxpayers Money
New laws to save taxpayers money