Shelly Reuben 's Recent Stories

Tilting at Windmills: The Man Who Sold Baubles

My name is Chester McBride. I taught literature in Community College for 26 years. In the course of my career, I ..

Tilting at Windmill: The Milkman Cometh

I was brought up during an era when milk was delivered to the door. It came in thick glass bottles ..


‘Tis the season of self-denial. ‘Tis the season for self-righteous pontificator to tell us that we are materialistic fools, and ..

Ode to Re-Gifting

Here is my annual (very good advice) poem about saving money by … re-gifting! I have this pair of mittens (Well, in actual ..

Tilting at Windmills: Hating “West Side Story”

It being the Christmas season and all that, I thought it would be fun to scatter around a little “Bah ..

Tilting at Windmills: Should’a, Could’a, Would’a

After seeing an ad for used books on my computer the other day, I got to thinking about missed opportunities. The ..

Tilting at Windmills: Pink

I have a confession to make. It’s pretty much an embarrassment, as I’ve always thought of myself as a red – ..

Tilting at Windmills: Fun and Folly

It’s around the block; it’s in the air It’s here, it’s there, it’s everywhere! It’s fat and juicy. Bright and sweet. It’s perfect, ..

Tilting at Windmills: Enoch Arden

I don’t know when I was introduced to “Enoch Arden” by Alfred Lord Tennyson (1809 – 1892), but I woke ..

TILTING AT WINDMILLS: I’d Walk a Mile For a … Huh? What?

I used to smoke cigarettes. It was a long time ago, but during those years (my father disapproved: “If God had ..

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The Purple People Eater…or When You Have Been Friends Too Long
The Purple People Eater…or when you have been friends too long

The Old Movie Star – A Fantasy
The Old Movie Star – A Fantasy

Tilting At Windmills: Mrs. Pomfrey’s Elderberry Wine
Tilting at Windmills: Mrs. Pomfrey’s Elderberry Wine

Tilting At Windmills: The Case Of The Mansion In The Sky
Tilting at Windmills: The Case of the Mansion in the Sky

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Michael is experimenting with his photography

Parking Space: A Love Story! Chapter 42 - The Falling Out
Parking Space: A Love Story! Chapter 42 - The Falling Out

Love Is Food.  My Father, Apples And Oranges
Love is Food. My Father, Apples and Oranges

A Big Truck And A Little Gnome With Cookies
A big truck and a little gnome with cookies

Gnaddie. Gnaddie. Gnaddie.
Gnaddie. Gnaddie. Gnaddie.

Knock Out Drops
Knock Out Drops