My father’s inventions were not restricted to spools, batteries, metal clasps, and burglar alarms. Oh, no. I ..
My father and I are the only members of our family unencumbered by university diplomas. Uncle Jack and Uncle ..
The first picture I ever saw of a naked woman wasn’t in National Geographic Magazine; it was on a calendar ..
Every letter that my father wrote … every unspoken remark before and after every raised eyebrow … every comment that ..
“Samuel Reuben, Jr., your father.” That’s how he signed many of the letters he wrote until my grandfather died. When ..
My father had a favorite phrase from the Bible: THE STONE THAT WAS REJECTED BECAME THE CHIEF CORNERSTONE. ..
The thick, black, inky strokes of a man who used a fountain pen long after the inventors of ballpoints assumed ..
Samuel Reuben. A solid series of consonants and vowels composing a solid-sounding name that looked strong and reliable on ..
When I was growing up, the Art Institute of Chicago had a real, honest-to-goodness treasure chest behind the central staircase ..
As I write this, it is 11:00 o’clock at night and my eighty-year old Uncle Jack is in town on ..