Every letter that my father wrote…all…all had about them an empurpled intensity … a flair … an escalation of objects ..
The spirit of Uncle Jack, my father’s brother, was manifested by both a steel safe and a gigantic roll of ..
Deluxe Tuxedo Rental was the name of the store that my father owned and operated on the South Side of ..
Every letter that my father wrote … all … all had about them an empurpled intensity… a flair … an ..
Every letter that my father wrote … all … all had about them an empurpled intensity … a flair …an ..
I left home when I was eighteen years old. I had the electricity of youth agitating through my veins, and ..
Samuel Reuben looked like a father, not like someone you would have an Oedipus complex about. He never seemed ..
I am in my bedroom with my sister, Selma. An imaginary center-line divides her side from mine. Her side has ..
Come Home. Love Dad Introducing Sam Reuben – Inventor, Poet, Husband ... Father I am writing this as a tribute to benevolence. ..
I was drowsing in a stuffy old armchair beside my window when I hear a sharp crack, as if something ..