Shelly Reuben 's Recent Stories

A slight case of misperception

We are invisible observers at a comfortable local restaurant. Two couples occupy tables at opposite ends of the room. They ..

Where are the Smith Brothers when we need them?

I have a proposal. It is motivated by the bewildering number of drugs introduced over the past few dozen years, ..

The cookie made me do it

A few days ago, I heard a talk show host discussing the recent deluge of single-family home foreclosures. He seemed ..

Romance (sigh) at the movies

Well, didn’t I have a jolly old time with today’s Valentine’s Day column. I decided to ask my family and friends ..

Fire safety will improve your sex life

Ha. Ha. Fooled you into reading this column. Fire safety won’t do a single thing to help you seduce your ..

Flight Plan

During the past several years, I have taken dozens of airplane trips on various carriers. In doing so, I was ..

Mr. Biggie

I was brought up during an era when milk was delivered to the door. It came in thick, oblong bottles ..

Hollywood hates New York

Courtesy of an impenetrable fog and a closed airport, instead of flying back to New York City after a wonderful ..

Embarrassing, manipulative, Dove.

After I saw the first Dove ad in their on-going “Campaign for Real Beauty,” I kept my response to myself ..

Designated Self-Pity Day

Sometimes, things go wrong. A car careens out of control and the driver’s best friend is killed. An actor is ..

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