Shelly Reuben 's Recent Stories

A terrorist by any other name ...

Twenty-three years ago, a violent anti-technology, anti-materialism, anti-government group that called itself MOVE embarked upon a campaign of terror that ..

Shave and a haircut ... two bits

On my way to brunch today, I walked past Joe’s Barbershop and, without thinking, gazed through the window. I had ..

Character sketches

It is a common misconception that all fictional characters are based on an author’s friends, foes, or family. In fact, ..

Not exactly Lassie

I got an interesting letter from my brother the other day. It started, “Everybody loves pet stories, and since very ..

A wordsmith stands in awe of spring

I was lying in my bed this morning, more accustomed to the distant din of traffic than anything that would ..

You be the fire investigator

Yesterday, I almost burned down our house. I was in my office doing my morning workout to the exercise video ..

A tale of two friendships: Houdini and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

Imagine that I have just snapped my fingers and demanded, “Quick. Without thinking first, name the greatest magician who ever ..

The Museum of the Mind

Remember the house where you grew up? Not the awful one. The wonderful one. It could have been your own ..

Barack Obama discriminates. So do I.

YOU HAVE JUST ARRIVED AT THE BUS STATION IN A BIG CITY. Your cousin is supposed to meet you at ..

Take a letter, Miss Jones … and while you’re at it, save the world

I am not saying that I’ve always wanted to be a spy or that the Lord High Admiralty of Secret ..

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Tilting at Windmills: The Case of the Bad Carpenter

Tilting At Windmills: The REAL Language Of Flowers
Tilting at Windmills: The REAL Language of Flowers

Tilting At Windmills: The Man Who Sold Baubles
Tilting at Windmills: The Man Who Sold Baubles

Tilting At Windmills: The Cow Who Thought She Was A Horse - Encore
Tilting at Windmills: The Cow Who Thought She Was a Horse - Encore

The Happy Store – The Wood Giraffe Clementine Tackles An Ethical Dilemma In Her 42nd Adventure At The Happy Store.
The Happy Store – The Wood Giraffe Clementine tackles an ethical dilemma in her 42nd adventure at The Happy Store.

Coming To America
Coming to America

Never Mind This Stationery
Never mind this stationery

First Loves … First Libraries
First loves … first libraries

View From The Top Of The Stairs
View from the Top of the Stairs

Romance (sigh) At The Movies
Romance (sigh) at the movies