Maggie Shayne 's Recent Stories

Shayne on You: Stop trying to run mom's life

Dear Maggie, My mother is getting older, and while she’s still in fairly good health, I know it’s only a matter ..

Shayne on You: Teaching the joys of reading

Dear Maggie, I’m a fifth grade teacher, and I was hoping you could help me think of a way to get ..

Shayne on You: Only you can find the true path to God

Dear Maggie, I’ve been on a quest to find the truth about religion, to find the one faith that’s the right ..

Shayne on You: Happiness is your job

Dear Maggie, I try to stay positive, and to keep an upbeat approach to life. I don’t love my job, but ..

Shayne on You: Widowed mom chooses grief over happiness

Dear Maggie, My father passed away four years ago. He died unexpectedly at fifty, and it rocked our entire family. But ..

Shayne on You: Start telling a new story

Hi Maggie, Right now, I am going through the toughest time of my life. I recently lost my job and my ..

Shayne on You: Keep your eyes on the road when buying from bro

Dear Maggie, I’ve been wanting to buy a car for a long time, and my brother has offered to sell me ..

Shayne on You: Make the time to find your own joy

Dear Maggie, I really need some “me-time.” I have kids, a job, and a house to keep up, and it seems ..

Shayne on You: Sometimes, the best thing you can do is leave

Dear Maggie, I’m am a 25 year old mother of two boys. My boyfriend and I live together. He’s the father ..

Shayne on You: You speak different languages

Dear Maggie, I just don’t understand my boyfriend. We’ve been together for a year, and he says he loves me, but ..

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Shayne On You: Shaking Up The Marriage Routine
Shayne on You: Shaking up the marriage routine

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