Melissa Stagnaro 's Recent Stories

Turning grass and weeds into energy

COVENTRY – Wouldn’t it be great if local farmers could use fallow or marginal land to produce renewable energy, which ..

Norwich teachers back sub plea for more pay

NORWICH – It has been more than eight years since Norwich substitutes received a raise in pay, a fact which ..

Dairy farmers reap the rewards of going organic

BAINBRIDGE – In 2006, after more than 30 years of traditional dairy farming, Barry and Nancy Rusweiler went organic. Making the ..

The Purple Tornado whips up school spirit

NORWICH – While this week is dedicated to school spirit, it certainly isn’t the only time of the year when ..

NHS shows off its school spirit this week

NORWICH – It’s Spirit Week at Norwich High School, a time when the four classes divvy up into two teams, ..

Guilford swears in new town justice

GUILFORD – Shortly after 10 a.m. on Friday, Joan Kline slipped her arms into her new black robe and ..

Norwich hopes to grow student programs despite budget cuts

NORWICH – Based on preliminary budget figures, the Norwich City School district will actually increase its academic offerings to students ..

Holy cabooses, it’s “Hello, Dolly”

OXFORD – Song, dance and comedy will abound this weekend as the talented young thespians of the Oxford High School ..

Punching the Clock: Maple Madness

While March means basketball for many people, for Evelyn Baker it has another meaning entirely. “It’s maple madness,” she told me ..

The (somewhat dismal) state of the state

For the last several months, I’ve been trying to wrap my head around the true extent of the economic crisis ..

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