Melissa Stagnaro 's Recent Stories

Powerline project no more

ALBANY – After three years of trying to gain approval for their $2.1 billion electric transmission line project, New York ..

World Autism Awareness Day

The first piece I ever wrote for The Evening Sun, months before I actually worked for the paper, was an ..

Village of Greene adopts 2009-10 budget

GREENE – The Village of Greene adopted a tentative budget for the 2009-10 fiscal year Wednesday night following a brief ..

Putting farming woes out to pasture

NORWICH – Could rotational grazing be the answer to the economic woes of local dairy farmers? Proponents of the agricultural ..

Norwich school budget projects 2.72 percent tax increase

NORWICH – The Norwich school board adopted a tentative budget Tuesday night which they think will be good news to ..

Despite state aid boost, teaching cuts loom in Oxford

OXFORD – The latest round of budget talks on the state level could mean the restoration of more than ..

Competition heats up at Norwich High School

NORWICH – As Norwich High School’s Spirit Week nears its end, all eyes are on the Pride Wall, where the ..

Greene stages beloved Disney musical this weekend

GREENE – Fans of Disney’s animated classic Beauty and the Beast will have a chance to see the film’s theatrical ..

Truly an honor

Last night I had the privilege of standing before a crowd of proud parents and family members to help recognize ..

Punching the Clock: Back behind the bar

For many people, the idea of bartending conjures up thoughts of Tom Cruise in Cocktail. In reality, it’s not quite ..

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City School Board Updated On Building Project
City school board updated on building project

The 800-pound Gorilla
The 800-pound gorilla

Norwich Hosts Fall Festival Of Bands Saturday
Norwich hosts Fall Festival of Bands Saturday

Networking Groups Help Unemployed Find Jobs
Networking groups help unemployed find jobs

Farm Of The Year, Forester Achievement Award Named
Farm of the Year, Forester Achievement Award named

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Speed a factor in car vs. tractor cash

Greene School Project On Time, Under Budget
Greene school project on time, under budget

Small Town Politics Muddies The Water On Grievance Day
Small town politics muddies the water on Grievance Day

Things That Go Bump In The Night
Things that go bump in the night

Overturned Truck Blocks One Lane Of Route 8 In Town Of Norwich
Overturned truck blocks one lane of Route 8 in Town of Norwich