Melissa Stagnaro 's Recent Stories

Local schools make changes to address childhood obesity concerns

Increased awareness of the prevalence of childhood obesity has shocked health officials and educators into action, both on a state ..

Norwich Middle School Meet and Greet gave students sneak peek

NORWICH – New and returning students had the chance to see the results of the Norwich Middle School’s multi-million dollar ..

Schuchman granted tenure at Norwich Middle School

NORWICH – Middle School Principal Lisa Schuchman officially became a tenured administrator at 9:28 p.m. Tuesday night. The Norwich City ..

New technology on the menu at Greene Primary School

GREENE – Primary school students in Greene won’t need to remember their four-digit lunch code this year thanks to new ..

Community support moves Habitat for Humanity Project ahead of schedule

GREENE – The house being constructed for a Greene family could be completed and ready for them to move in ..

Greene Labor Day Picnic celebrates 89 years of community

GREENE – Greene’s Annual Labor Day Picnic has long helped celebrate the end of summer. This year’s event, which will ..

Knapp speaks out on the unraveling of his NHS tenure

NORWICH – School starts in just one week, and while most building administrators are finishing preparations for the upcoming year, ..

Norwich School District releases Notice of Claim

NORWICH – In response to a request made by The Evening Sun under the Freedom of Information Law, the Norwich ..

NYRI application ruled complete by Public Service Commission

ALBANY – A ruling by the Public Service Commission means the clock is now clicking on NYRI. The PSC issued ..

Libous dedicates Bainbridge roundabout

BAINBRIDGE – State and local officials were on hand in Bainbridge Tuesday to dedicate the first roundabout in Chenango County. ..

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