Melissa Stagnaro 's Recent Stories

Chenango County to celebrate entrepreneurs

CHENANGO COUNTY – Entrepreneurs will be honored the week of Sept. 27, thanks to a proclamation issued earlier this month ..

NYRI receives union endorsement

ALBANY – New York Regional Interconnect has been endorsed by Unions for Jobs and the Environment (UJAE), a group consisting ..

Bainbridge Highway Department joins Teamsters Union

BAINBRIDGE – It might be a surprise to you that the four members of Bainbridge’s Highway Department have joined the ..

Owen to fill 7th board seat

NORWICH – After standing vacant for more than two and a half months, the seventh seat on the Norwich City ..

Rail survey to gauge interest

CHENANGO COUNTY – What do you think should happen to the roughly 40 mile stretch of railway through Chenango County? ..

O’Sullivan confirms Knapp still employed, Cleveland remains interim principal

NORWICH – Have you been wondering if the Norwich City School District is paying two people for the same position? ..

Will Norwich be done in time?

NORWICH – According to the superintendent, Norwich City School’s $37 million dollar construction project is approximately $2 million under budget. ..

Chasing Barnum

OXFORD – It was not the fossilized remains of giant lizards that drew a paleontologist from the American Museum ..

Knapp files against Norwich City Schools

NORWICH – More questions were raised than answered with the announcement that the man many still consider to be the ..

Norwich School Board still divided over 7th member

NORWICH – Despite the current “even” number of members, the Norwich City School board managed to pass all but one ..

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Greene chamber gears up for Mardi Gras celebration

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