Melissa Stagnaro 's Recent Stories

Rounding Third

As soon as my mom heard Chenango River Theatre’s latest production, “Rounding Third,” had a baseball theme, she was all ..

Post office employee arrested for swiping money orders

PHARSALIA – An East Pharsalia woman faces felony charges after she allegedly stole over $4,600 in postal money orders from ..

Early morning fire hits Golden Artist Colors

COLUMBUS – Golden Artist Colors opened for business as usual today, despite an early morning fire which filled the corridors ..

Sheriff's Camp: Chenango kids enjoy summer tradition for 17 years

SMYRNA – Each summer, roughly 400 children from across Chenango have the chance to experience four fun-filled days at camp ..

Stewart sentenced on drug charges

NORWICH – Elliott J. Stewart, 20, of Norwich, pleaded guilty to fifth degree possession of a controlled substance, a class ..

Teen driver flips car in early morning accident

NORWICH – Four young men were lucky enough to walk away from a roll-over accident on East River Road in ..

Man arrested for breaking into two Norwich restaurants

NORWICH – The burglar who broke into Bill’s Diner early Saturday morning made off with an empty register and four ..

Victor trial delayed until September because of lack of jurors

NORWICH – The trial against Michael A. Victor, Jr. was postponed again yesterday, when not enough jurors reported to the ..

Words of caution

I placed a quick call home last night as I was leaving the office. I wanted to let my mom ..

Oxford Academy Class of ‘56 hosts 55-year reunion

OXFORD – The Oxford Academy Class of 1956 will hold their 55th class reunion on Saturday, July 30 at Fred’s ..

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