Melissa Stagnaro 's Recent Stories

AIM Fitness sponsors charity golf tournament to benefit Chenango SPCA

OXFORD – This Saturday, AIM Fitness is asking its members and supporters to change out of their fitness clothes and ..

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South Otselic welding shop goes up in flames

SOUTH OTSELIC – Colleen English knew there was something wrong as soon as she saw her landlord running. Moments later, ..

Greene barn destroyed by fire

GREENE – Crews from five volunteer fire departments responded to a structure fire in the Town of Greene Tuesday night ..

NPD’s Burlison promoted to Deputy Chief

NORWICH – Scott Burlison became the Norwich City Police’s newest deputy chief last night during a promotion ceremony held at ..

122nd Afton Fair opens today

AFTON – As many as 10,000 people are expected to visit the Afton Driving Park this week to enjoy the ..

Alcohol a factor in Sunday accident in McDonough

McDONOUGH – Police say alcohol was a factor in a weekend crash which sent an 83-year-old Greene man to the ..

Victordrug bust trial to start Thursday

NORWICH – Jury selection will begin Thursday in the case against the man at the center of a 2009 drug ..

Norwich couple injured in Saturday afternoon accident

OXFORD – A Norwich man fell asleep at the wheel Saturday and drove off the road, sending both he and ..

500 NYSEG customers without power following early morning accident

NORWICH – Driver fatigue may be to blame for a one-car accident which took out a utility pole near Walmart ..

Hit and run driver identified

NORWICH – The Norwich City Police have identified the driver involved in a hit and run accident last week. Jessica Richardson, ..

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Prayer service tonight for Willette Northup-Thompson

Chenango’s Civil War Sesquicentennial Commemoration Continues Tomorrow In Bainbridge
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Greene Hosts Historic Ghost Walks
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