Melissa Stagnaro 's Recent Stories

Sunday storm washes out some county roads

CHENANGO COUNTY – Three county roads are closed this morning as highway crews work to repair damage caused by flash ..

Schumer says disparities in milk price costing Chenango dairy producers $847,000 a month

WASHINGTON, DC – Consumers are paying just as much as ever for milk and dairy products, but our nation’s dairy ..

In honor of National Farmers Market Week

I have a lot of fond memories of the huge garden my family habitually planted in my youth, complete with ..

Cash for Clunkers gets mixed reviews from local car dealers

CHENANGO COUNTY – Local car lots have definitely seen an influx in traffic over the last week as area residents ..

State legislators stepping up appeals for dairy bailout

ONEONTA – Local representatives in the state legislature are calling on New York’s governor to use federal stimulus funds to ..

USDA ups price support for struggling dairy farmers

WASHINGTON, DC – The USDA announced Friday that it would temporarily raise prices paid for cheese and nonfat dry milk ..

District names new Perry Browne principal

NORWICH – The Norwich City School District has selected long-time district educator Jennifer Post to fill the top leadership ..

Pharmaceutical icon brings winning formula to Norwich

NORTH NORWICH – Norwich Pharmaceuticals’ parent company has a new executive chairman, one who plans to grow the group into ..

Library art contest to help raise money for building project

OXFORD – The organizers of an all-ages art contest at the Oxford Memorial Library want to showcase the artistic talents ..

Local celebs asked to “batter up” once more for The Children’s Center

NORWICH – Last year more than 40 local celebrities whipped up batches of homemade cookies in all shapes and sizes ..

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