Melissa Stagnaro 's Recent Stories

Norwich students learn important lessons at Driver's Ed

NORWICH – While teen drivers only account for a fraction of the total miles driven in the United States each ..

“Lawzy ... I don’t know nothin’ ’bout birthin’ babies”

As Jessica’s due date approaches, there is an increased amount of anxiety in The Evening Sun newsroom. None of this ..

Schumer introduces legislation to “close the loophole” on MPCs

WASHINGTON, DC – Senator Charles Schumer introduced legislation Wednesday aimed at closing the “gaping loophole in federal trade law” which ..

Local couples team up to form shuffleboard club

OXFORD – For the last six years, Bob Marshman and his wife Linda have been wintering in sunny Zephyr Hills, ..

Oxford School Board gets advice from legal counsel

OXFORD – Members of Oxford’s school board got a refresher course in their legal roles and responsibilities Monday night from ..

NBT Bancorp, Inc. announces second quarter earnings, cash dividends

NORWICH – NBT Bancorp Inc. has reported that net income for the three months ending June 30, 2009 was $11.6 ..

Inner-city kids learn why locally grown is “green”

NORWICH – Young adults from Onondaga and Madison counties made a trip to Norwich last week in order to learn ..

Oxford man launches new brand

OXFORD – A local graphic designer has combined his love of mixed martial arts and his design skills to launch ..

Oxford PD puts a stop to underage drinking on Greene Street

OXFORD – Six arrests were made yesterday in relation to an out of control party which ended with at least ..

33nd Annual Greene Arts & Craft Festival this Saturday

GREENE – More than 10,000 visitors are expected for this weekend’s 33rd Annual Arts & Craft Festival in downtown Greene. ..

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Bowman Lake park could still face closure

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Eddy speaks at young professionals luncheon

NBT Announces 2009 Earnings, Declares Cash Dividend
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Non-profit Theater Group Presents “A ‘Greene’ Christmas”
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Another Twist In Oxford Dog Case
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The Ride Along
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Oxford Bridge Project Delayed Again
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Greene Chamber Gears Up For Mardi Gras Celebration
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