Eric Davis 's Recent Stories

Time for Turkeys

Monday morning a switch turned on in my brain that let turkey hunting take over most of my thoughts. That ..

Outdoor Chenango: What’s in your range bag?

After waiting all winter, you can finally go to the range to shoot some firearms and relax once the weather ..

Getting an Early Start

When I stayed the night at my grandfather’s house as a young kid, I could never figure out why (or ..

Spring Whiskers

If you asked a few people for a sign that spring is here, you would likely get a handful of ..

In the nick of time

Last month I received a message on Facebook from one of the writers of the New York Outdoor News. The ..

All over a logo?

As I discussed in a column last month, this year the NWTF National Convention and Sport Show was held virtually ..

Gone too soon

When I write about pretty much any type of hunting, I have at least one memory that involves my friend ..

A Virtual Escape

In February 2020 I had the great pleasure of attending the National Wild Turkey Federation (NWTF) Annual Convention and Sport ..

Playing in the hay

When I was in college, I took my Trapper Education course and began my trapping career. I would run a ..

A Super Bowl Bonus or Alternative

Whether you watch professional football or not, almost everyone knows about the biggest game of the year. This year, the ..

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Food Plots: Summer Vs. Fall Plots
Food plots: Summer vs. Fall plots

Outdoor Chenango: The Do’s And Don’ts Of Blood Tracking Deer
Outdoor Chenango: The do’s and don’ts of blood tracking deer

Gift Ideas For Dads And Grads
Gift Ideas for dads and grads

Outdoor Chenango: Gearing Up For Geese (and Ducks)
Outdoor Chenango: Gearing up for Geese (and Ducks)

Outdoor Chenango: Harmful Algae Blooms
Outdoor Chenango: Harmful Algae Blooms

Outdoor Chenango: How To: Reading A Bathymetric Map
Outdoor Chenango: How to: Reading a Bathymetric Map

Turkey Calls 101
Turkey Calls 101

Ground Blind Maintenance And Repair
Ground blind maintenance and repair

New Year Resolutions
New Year Resolutions

Outdoor Chenango: Playing In The Snow
Outdoor Chenango: Playing in the snow