Eric Davis 's Recent Stories

 Big Water Duck Hunting

When deer season ended when I was a teenager, it meant that it was time to prepare to duck hunt ..

Outdoor Chenango: Hanging it up, or taking it down, the right way

Yesterday was the final day of all the deer seasons, except for the limited Ithaca deer hunt, for 2020. I ..

Outdoor Chenango: Let Your Opinion Be Known

There are less than 20 days remaining for public comments to be submitted to the New York State Department of ..

Outdoor Chenango: Going old school

As the whitetail rut has more or less ended, deer hunting can become a drag as many deer movement during ..

Traditions: Time for a New One?

Thanksgiving is a holiday that is celebrated in many ways in the United States. Some people gather to watch football ..

Opening day is almost here

This Saturday is opening day for the regular firearms season for white-tailed deer here in the Southern Zone. It is ..

Outdoor Chenango: Ready for the Range?

With the time change this past weekend, we have hit the part of the year where it gets dark before ..

The moment of truth and the aftermath

After months of preparation, working hard to put in a food plot or checking trail cameras to locate your target ..

Time to Cruise

It is about that time of the fall that every bowhunter has been waiting for since last season. As day ..

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Outdoor Chenango: Big Water Duck Hunting
Outdoor Chenango: Big Water Duck Hunting