Bob McNitt 's Recent Stories

Hot and humid? Try a refreshing float

No, this float isn't made with ice cream. Last week the column subject was local waters that produced good midsummer ..

Some top local waters for good August fishing

Despite August not being one of the better months to catch fish, it's often the time when people and families ..

Avoiding natural gas accidents that fuel environmental concerns

After attending several of this year's natural gas exploration and drilling meetings and seminars, the best I can say about ..

DEC concerned about feral hog infestation

The time may come when you'll awake one morning to see your lawn, garden or field looking like a crazed ..

The environmental invaders just keep coming

Chenango County is being "invaded," and, no, I'm not just referring to the gas companies that are actively exploring and ..

Two eye-opening decisions in the same week

Goodness, what is going on in this democracy? Last week the State Senate followed the lead of the Assembly and ..

The Great Chenango County 'Gas Rush'

California had its gold rush, Colorado its silver rush, and Texas and Oklahoma their oil rush. Now it's New York's ..

Is the Adirondack Park being overregulated?

What ever happened to common sense (CS) when dealing with the natural environment and its "wild" residents? Has CS been ..

A plethora of activities available at Lake Placid

What images and memories do Lake Placid bring to you? The 1980 Winter Olympics and the “Miracle on Ice?” ..

Bluegills: Pound-for-pound, the best fighters?

With bass season due to open later this month, legions of bass fans are anxiously awaiting the June 21 opener ..

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'Non-winter' good for some, bad for others

‘Global Warming’ Could Create Opposite Effect For Us
‘Global warming’ could create opposite effect for us

How Will The ‘great Gas Rush’ Change Our Area?
How will the ‘great gas rush’ change our area?

Of Bigfoot And Big Cats – Is The Truth Out There?
Of Bigfoot and big cats – is the truth out there?

Best Gobbler Hunting Was Short-lived This Year
Best gobbler hunting was short-lived this year

Time Is Always Of The Essence When Bowhunting
Time is always of the essence when bowhunting

Why Mandatory Handgun Microstamping Doesn’t Work
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Downstate Exodus: A Sign Of The 'Times?'
Downstate exodus: A sign of the 'Times?'

2009 – Anything But Normal For Outdoor Enthusiasts
2009 – anything but normal for outdoor enthusiasts