Bob McNitt 's Recent Stories

2007: The year that was anything but normal

As we shiver our way into yet another new year, we optimistically hope it will be a better one than ..

Game and fish generate big $s for New York

Hunting and fishing in New York State is more than just recreation. A new report – "Hunting and Fishing: Bright ..

Santa and his bevy of ... ruminant beauties?

There's a growing movement by some feminists to alter what has been a traditional Christmas theme for many decades. It ..

Has New York become 'land poor?'

When people residing in states far away from New York visualize the Empire State, many of those who've never been ..

The late special season isn’t for wimps

This coming Monday, Dec. 10, sees the opening of the special muzzleloader and late archery season. That season closes Dec. ..

The good and bad of late-season deer hunting

At the halfway mark, this year's deer season stands about where it usually does at this point – far fewer ..

Anti-venison vs. pro-beef merits a reality check

For those people who believe deer hunting is wrong, maybe it's time for a reality check. Consider the difference between ..

Have the Saturday deer openers lived up to expectations?

With the regular deer season opening this Saturday, it will mark the annual day that sees the highest number of ..

When Bambi dies on the blacktop

It's dark and you're driving along the familiar road from or en route to work. Suddenly a large brown object ..

When being in a rut is a good thing

As we begin November – weather-wise, often the truly transitional month between autumn and winter – the shortened daylight ..

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More From Bob McNitt

This October Was Anything But Typical
This October was anything but typical

Trout Opener At The Mercy Of The Snow Pack
Trout opener at the mercy of the snow pack

New York’s  Pheasant Program Gets The Ax
New York’s pheasant program gets the ax

The Good And Bad Of Late-season Deer Hunting
The good and bad of late-season deer hunting

Learning To Live With Bears
Learning to live with bears

Small Game Hunting Looms Large Starting Tomorrow
Small game hunting looms large starting tomorrow

'Friendly' Flies Not Friendly To Caterpillars
'Friendly' flies not friendly to caterpillars

How Will The ‘great Gas Rush’ Change Our Area?
How will the ‘great gas rush’ change our area?

Variety Of Small Game Available To Hunters Keeps Shrinking
Variety of small game available to hunters keeps shrinking

Nature, Not Calendars, Dictates Our Weather
Nature, not calendars, dictates our weather