Bob McNitt 's Recent Stories

Will NY sportsmen be the next ‘Mohicans?’

Remember “Last of the Mohicans?” Whether you read the novel, saw the movie(s), or both, it occurred to me that ..

Writers' safari, New York style, part II

Last week, this column related the events of the first morning's turkey hunt and the initial minutes of the second ..

Writers' safari, New York style

Last week I had the pleasure of attending the New York State Outdoor Writers Association's Annual Safari, this year held ..

The beauty and dangers of spring

Each year the Dept. of Environmental Conservation sends out press releases and announcements, advising the public that springtime in the ..

Nothing compares to spring gobbler hunting

I'll say one thing about hunting whitetail bucks – their mental abilities, especially the bucks that have survived a couple ..

Pike fishing is fun and readily available

Trout and salmon are often said to be the targets of the "elite" anglers, while bass is the choice of ..

April 16 will be long remembered

The date April 16, 2007 will be long remembered, for two reasons: a record-setting April nor'easter and, unfortunately, a ..

Deadly fish virus threat is the worst yet

Once again, one of our outdoor resources is being threatened. Just as occurred with invaders such as lamprey eels, zebra ..

Something 'fishy' happening this Sunday

The weather's usually nasty – cold with a raw wind that seems to blow from every direction, regardless of which ..

Trout opener at the mercy of the snow pack

The statewide opening day of trout season arrives a week from this Sunday, and considering the weather we've "enjoyed" since ..

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The Bullhead:  An Angler’s Most Popular ‘ugly’ Fish
The bullhead: An angler’s most popular ‘ugly’ fish

Sportsmen Face Uphill Battle In Winning The Lobbying Wars
Sportsmen face uphill battle in winning the lobbying wars

The DEC Says It Will Not Be An Exhibitor At State Fair
The DEC says it will not be an exhibitor at state fair

Invasive Species Apt To Greatly Change Our Outdoor Ecosystems
Invasive species apt to greatly change our outdoor ecosystems

Are Hunters Becoming Endangered Species?
Are hunters becoming endangered species?

 Bass And Trout Are The Best ‘dog Days’ Targets
Bass and trout are the best ‘dog days’ targets

When Bambi Dies On The Blacktop
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 Governor’s Pheasant Program Decision Backfires
Governor’s pheasant program decision backfires

Something 'fishy' Happening This Sunday
Something 'fishy' happening this Sunday