Bob McNitt 's Recent Stories

Before turkey hunting, May was THE month to catch fish

Prior to our region’s spring turkey hunting season’s implementation, May was THE month for angling. With just about all ..

Turkey hunting demands patience and steady nerves

Although I had some fun in last week’s column, poking fun at spring gobbler hunters, this Saturday actually marks the ..

Ed Sidote named to Outdoorsmen Hall of Fame

Norwich resident Ed Sidote, center, is presented with his induction plaque to the New York State Outdoorsmen Hall of Fame ..

When being called a 'turkey' may be a compliment

I’ve always been amused when I heard or read that someone or something was a “turkey” since in the contemporary ..

Is it time for New York to follow other states’ lead?

Thanks to last year’s across-the-board fee increases for all New York hunting, fishing and trapping licenses, many took advantage of ..

The ultimate challenge: trophy stream trout

When a friend recently showed me a photo of a nearly five-pound stream brown trout his son had caught locally, ..

Warmer temps and high water greet opening day trout anglers

It could be worse. I’m referring to today’s opener for trout fishing. While stream levels are still high, at least ..

One week left until New York’s trout opener

One week from today, the general statewide trout season opens, and participating anglers are keeping their collective fingers crossed that ..

Federal task force seeks to set policies for fishing and access

It seems as though our government wants to interfere and control -- for lack of better words -- in far ..

Closing State parks makes little economic sense, hinders public

Parks? Who needs them? Or so it would seem some of the State of New York’s legislators apparently believe. Faced ..

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It’s reality check time for a lot of elected downstate legislators

Writers' Safari, New York Style
Writers' safari, New York style

  Proposed DEC Fee Increases Create Whistle-blowing By Ex Employees
Proposed DEC fee increases create whistle-blowing by ex employees

One Week Left Until New York’s Trout Opener
One week left until New York’s trout opener

Turkey Hunting And Fishing Headline, But Other Important Issues Are Surfacing
Turkey hunting and fishing headline, but other important issues are surfacing

End Of Deer Season Not The End Of Hunting
End of deer season not the end of hunting

The DEC’s Questionable ‘April 1 Trout Delivery’
The DEC’s questionable ‘April 1 trout delivery’

Gobbler Hunting Almost As Popular As May Angling
Gobbler hunting almost as popular as May angling

‘Man’s Best Friend’ – A Tribute
‘Man’s best friend’ – a tribute

Increasingly, More Crows Prefer The ‘city Life’
Increasingly, more crows prefer the ‘city life’