Steven and Cokie Roberts 's Recent Stories

Time for creative thinking

Lawmakers busy drafting the big jobs bill for President Obama’s signature early next year need to stay focused on two ..

Knowing what you don’t know

What have we learned about Barack Obama since the election? What hints has he given about the kind of president ..

Sunset for the old white guys

If Republicans want to figure out why they lost the election, they might start with one number: 36. That’s the ..

Two men who made a difference

This election matters. We’ve heard that mantra endlessly from both presidential campaigns. But in fact every election matters – it ..

The worst of both worlds

If we wanted a lesson in what’s wrong with Congress, the House of Representatives delivered it loud and clear in ..

Call a truce in the mommy wars

Get a grip, ladies! Don’t allow Sarah Palin’s candidacy to reheat the “mommy wars,” to pit working moms against those ..

All of the above

This election is dead even, but the track ahead hides many potholes and pitfalls. One misstep or outside event – ..

Is Obama one of us?

That’s the question many voters will be asking themselves over the next three months. How they answer it will probably ..

Welcome to America!

ELLIS ISLAND – Quick: How many amendments to the Constitution are there? Can’t say offhand? Then you would not have ..

The war of the Web worlds

The Internet was a critical factor in Barack Obama’s defeat of Hillary Clinton. But it could also jeopardize his chances ..

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Bush Fumbles, Obama Recovers
Bush fumbles, Obama recovers

The Return Of The Mommy Vote
The return of the Mommy vote

America’s Mayor Or Broadway Rudy?
America’s mayor or Broadway Rudy?

Sonia From The Block
Sonia from the block

Root For The Home Team
Root for the home team

Hezbollah Is Still There
Hezbollah is still there

Once A Mom Always A Mom
Once a mom always a mom

Politics Can Wait, Family Can’t
Politics can wait, family can’t

Here’s To The Ladies Who Lunch
Here’s to the ladies who lunch

Warming Up To Hillary
Warming up to Hillary