Steven and Cokie Roberts 's Recent Stories

The long view of ‘The View’

Suddenly, Michelle Obama is everywhere: Hosting ABC’s “The View”; dissected on page one of the New York Times; occupying movie-star ..

Fathers, faith and family

On Father’s Day, Barack Obama delivered a sermon in a Chicago church chiding black men for their failures as parents. ..

Two little words – ‘judges’ and ‘vetoes’

As the general-election campaign begins, one critical question is whether both parties will be able to unify around their nominees. ..

Voters rewrite the political playbook

What a season! Even as many Americans heave huge sighs of relief that it’s finally over, no one can argue ..

It could be a long wait

We’ve heard it from women throughout this campaign: “I’d love to see a woman president – just not this woman. ..

Sharing pain and land

“What really connects us is the pain,” said Rami Elhanan. A 58-year-old Israeli, Elhanan lost his 14-year-old daughter to a suicide ..

Media shield law in the pipeline

On the campaign trail, there is much talk of bipartisanship, but back on Capitol Hill, that spirit has vanished. The ..

Congressional districts deny democracy

When Cokie interviewed President Bush a few weeks ago, the talk turned to the issue of immigration. The president has ..

The president and the pontiff

“The thing I like is that he speaks with moral clarity,” said President Bush about Pope Benedict XVI on the ..

The greatest game lives on

We took our twin grandsons to the circus recently, and they showed up in full baseball regalia: Washington Nationals hats ..

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Getting Tough With China
Getting tough with China

FEMA’s Forgotten Children
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The Buck Stops Nowhere
The buck stops nowhere

‘The Woman From Park Ridge’
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The ‘Oh, All Right’ Candidate
The ‘Oh, all right’ candidate

None Of The Above
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The Crowded Media Marketplace
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Santorum Needs Lesson On Value Of Education
Santorum needs lesson on value of education

Fathers, Faith And Family
Fathers, faith and family