Steven and Cokie Roberts 's Recent Stories

Open the gate for the next Gates

This year, April Fools’ Day has a new meaning. The fools are the foes of immigration and globalization who demand ..

For Hillary Clinton, it’s now up to women

“I’m actually questioning my life because of what Hillary’s going through,” tennis icon Billie Jean King recently told Cokie during ..

Flak and the fighter pilot

Now the spotlight swings to John McCain, who emerged from Super Tuesday with a commanding lead for the Republican nomination. ..

Why Washington is broken

Washington is broken. That’s the slogan Mitt Romney adopted in the waning days of the New Hampshire primary. And while ..

Politics can wait, family can’t

We were having dinner with two dear friends and the talk turned to family. Both had lost their fathers many ..

Giving food this season

Here’s a last-minute gift idea that nobody will return: food. Instead of unearthing exactly the right present for someone who probably ..

Comfort and joy, not gloom and doom

The Bush Administration, backed by allies in Israel and Europe, is trying hard to spread an unwelcome message: Don’t take ..

Summing up Trent Lott

When Sen. Trent Lott announced he was leaving Congress, all the stories emphasized the most infamous moment in his career: ..

Running right and running wrong

In the latest Marist College poll of Republican voters in New Hampshire, Ron Paul and Mike Huckabee are tied for ..

Why Americans hate Washington

Americans hate Washington these days, and for good reason. The president and Congress can’t solve even the most obvious and ..

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No Witch Hunts, No Cover-ups
No witch hunts, no cover-ups

Sonia From The Block
Sonia from the block

From The Internet To The Streets
From the Internet to the streets

No Halo? Try A Hat
No halo? Try a hat

Liberals In Fantasyland
Liberals in fantasyland

America’s Mayor Or Broadway Rudy?
America’s mayor or Broadway Rudy?

‘The Woman From Park Ridge’
‘The Woman From Park Ridge’

None Of The Above
None of the above

It Could Be A Long Wait
It could be a long wait

Getting Tough With China
Getting tough with China