Shelly Reuben 's Recent Stories

I am in bed again ... with John

I admit. It has been a while. Years, even. But I will never forget that first time. My expectations? I didn’t have ..

Be Kind. Rewind.

Last month, Cyd Charisse, the long-stemmed beauty who swirled her skirts and flashed her go-on-forever legs in MGM musicals, died. Elderly. ..

Ballet lessons

“Dear Melba Cortez: “I was seven years old when my parents enrolled me in your school. I was nine when we ..

The Awe (and Aaah) Factor

Being in Los Angeles brings out the film fanatic in me. It starts when, looking up at the hills, I see ..

The Island of Lost Books

Today, I had one of those ‘gone but not forgotten” moments. It involved my friend, Betty Ulius, who died ..

When Butterball Turkeys Collide

This isn’t about my sister Selma. It isn’t even really about eavesdropping on Selma and her friend Ellen. It’s about girls and ..

A heroine for our times

She has the high cheekbones and long, lean body of a fashion model. She has the eyes of a seeker ..

Nine planets. That’s right. Nine.

Quick. How many dwarfs are there and what are their names? Stick out your fingers and tally them off: Grumpy. ..

Eyes Right

Because I live only half a block from the parade route, over the years, I have witnessed many upon many ..

A terrorist by any other name ... Part II

Continued from last week’s column: Insurgents, my Webster’s Dictionary has advised, attack a “civil authority or an established government.” They attack ..

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A Tale Of Two Friendships: Houdini And Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
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Picture This
Picture this

You Be The Fire Investigator
You be the fire investigator